Teaching & Events


Invited talks


Hanappi, Doris. “Job Insecurity and Life Satisfaction: Do Parents’ Jobs at Risk Hurt More?” Presented at the SCANCOR Seminar, School of Education, February 13, Stanford University, CA.


Hanappi, Doris. “Linking Perceived Economic Uncertainty and Fertility Decisions. Evidence from Switzerland.” Presented at the Demography Brown Bag Seminar, October 29, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff, J.-M. “Changes in Employment Uncertainty and the Fertility Intention-Behavior Link: An Analysis Based on the Swiss Household Panel Data.” Presented at the CPI Inequality Workshop, May 23, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.


Hanappi, Doris. “Bourdieu’s Contribution to the Social Organization of the Economy: A View from Field Theory.” Presented at the Joint Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, French Association of Political Economy/Association, and International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy, July 5–8, Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff. “Precarious Work and Its Short-Term Impact on Reproductive Decision-making.” Presented at the Swiss Foundation for Research in the Social Sciences Lunch Seminar, June 20, University of Lausanne, Lausanne.


Presentations at conferences and professional meetings


Hanappi, Doris and I. Buber-Ennser, I. (2017). “When Work Matters for Fertility Intentions and Subsequent Behavior: Evidence from two waves of the Austrian Gender and Generation Survey.” Paper presented at the PAA Annual Meeting, April 27-29, Chicago.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff, J.-M. 2017. “Changes in Employment Uncertainty and the Fertility Intention-Behavior Link: An Analysis Based on the Swiss Household Panel Data.” Poster presented at the PAA Annual Meeting, April 27-29, Chicago.


Hanappi, Doris, and O. Lipps. “Job Insecurity, Parenthood and Life-Satisfaction: Do Jobs at Risk Hurt More If You Care?”  Presented at SASE’s 28th Annual Meeting, June 24–26, UC Berkeley, Berekeley, CA.

Hanappi, D., and Buber-Ennser, I. “When Work Matters for Family Planning: Evidence from the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey.” Presented at SASE’s 28th Annual Meeting, June 24–26, UC Berkeley, Berekeley, CA.


Buber-Ennser, I., and D. Hanappi. “The Association Between Changes in Family Composition, Parental Status, and Health. Longitudinal Evidence from the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey.” Presented at the 2015 GGS User Conference.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, and L. Bernardi. “Job Quality, Gender Role Attitude, and Short-Term Fertility Intentions in Switzerland. Population Roundtable: Predictors of Fertility in Low Fertility Contexts.” Presented at the 12th ESA Conference, August 25–28, Prague, and at the 2015 ASA Annual Meeting, August 22–25, Chicago.

Ryser, V.-A., Doris Hanappi, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff. How Does Employment Quality Impact Fertility Intentions? Evidence from the Swiss Household Panel.” Presented at the 8th International Conference of the Swiss Household Panel, June 1-2, Lausanne.

Hanappi, Doris and C. Mason. “The Value of Intentions as Predictor for Subsequent Fertility Behavior in a Low Fertility Context.” Presented at PAA, April 30–May 2, San Diego.


Ryser, V.-A., Doris Hanappi, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff. “The Relationship between Employment Quality and Fertility Intentions: Results from Switzerland.” Presented at the 7th European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) Congress, September 3–6, Madrid.

Rendall, M., A. De Rose, A. Evans, E. Gray, Doris Hanappi, F. Kreute, T. Lappegard, L. Reeder, Marit Rønsen, O. Thevenon, and L. Toulemon. “Employment Impacts on Partnership and Parenthood Entry in Different Family-Policy Regimes.” Presented at the European Population Conference, June 25–28, Budapest.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff. “Changes in Employment Uncertainty and the Fertility Intention-Behavior Link: An Analysis Based on the Swiss Household Panel Data.” Presented at the 109th Annual American Sociological Association Meeting. August 16–19, San Francisco


Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff. “Bad Jobs and Fertility Intentions in Switzerland. Changing Families and Fertility Choices.” Presented at the International Conference Funded by the Norwegian Research Council and Statistics, June 6–7, Oslo.

Salamin, X., and Doris Hanappi. “Women and International Assignments: A Systematic Literature Review Exploring Textual Data by Correspondence Analysis.” Presented at the 13th European Academy of Management. June 26–29, Galatasaray University, Istanbul.


Hanappi, Doris, O. Lipps, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. Falter. “Modeling Job Quality, Insecurity, and Work-Family Incompatibility Effects on Families’ Well-Being: Does a Precarious Job Hurt More If Work-Family Life Articulation Is Difficult?” Presented at SASE’s 24th Annual Meeting, June 28–30, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, J.-M. Le Goff, and L. Bernardi. “Minding the Downside of Market Flexibilization. Does Precarious Work Affect Short-Term Fertility Intentions and Their Realization?” Presented at the European Population Conference, June 13–16, University of Stockholm, Sweden.


Hanappi, Doris and L. Bernardi. “Exploring the Link between Work Precariousness and Short-Term Fertility Intentions and Their Realization.” Presented at the Meeting of the Working Group of the NCCR Sub-Project Vulnerability at the Interface of Professional and Family Life: Gender and Occupational Trajectories, November 22, University of Lausanne, Lausanne.

Hanappi, Doris. “Fields, Human Behaviour, and Uncertainty: Is the Bourdieuian Actor an Actor of Change?” Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, October 27–30, Vienna.

Hanappi, Doris, V.-A. Ryser, L. Bernardi, and J.-M. LeGoff. “The Impact of Work Precariousness on Childbearing Intentions and their Realization: Evidence from Switzerland.” Presented at the 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association, September 7–10, Geneva.

Hanappi, Doris. “Understanding Market Fields and Uncertainty: A Field and Habitus-Based Approach.” Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, June 23–25, University Autónoma of Madrid, Madrid.

Hanappi, Doris and F. Bühlmann. “Field and Trajectories: Two Concepts to Explore the Swiss Labour Market.” Presented at the 6th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, June 8–9, University of Lausanne, Lausanne.


Hanappi, Doris. “Swiss Labour Force Survey Overview. Conceptual, Statistical and Methodological Basis.” Presented at the Meeting of the Working Group of the NCCR Sub-Project Vulnerability at the Interface of Professional and Family Life: Gender and Occupational Trajectories, December 14, University of Lausanne, Lausanne.

Hanappi, Doris. “When Information Asymmetries Govern the Market Field: Making Sense of Labor Markets.” Presented at the 3rd ESA Sociology of Culture RN Mid-Term Conference, October 7–9, Bocconi University, Milan.

Hanappi, Doris. “Work Life Courses in Post-Industrial Labour Markets.” Presented at the TransEurope Young Researcher Workshop, June 18–19, University of Turin, Turin.

Hanappi, Doris. “The Dilemma of Rationality: Individual Optimization, Embeddedness, and Economic Reason.” Presented at the 10th European Academy of Management, May 19–22, University of Tor Vergata, Rome.

Hanappi, Doris and L. Bernardi. “Gender, Work, and Vulnerability: A Multilevel Life Course Perspective.” Presented at the International Labour Process Conference, March 15–17, Rutgers University, New Brusnwick, NJ.

Hanappi, Doris. “Preparation of Textual Data for Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Data Extraction from OVID and CSA via a Python Script.” Presented at Laboratory of Life Course Studies Work Meeting, May 12, University of Lausanne, Lausanne.

Hanappi, Doris. “Exploring the Link between Tacit Knowledge and Assessment Mechanisms on Professional and Managerial Job Markets: Theoretical Challenges and Empirical Pitfalls.” Presented at the International Labour Process Conference, March 15–17, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.


Hanappi, Doris. “A Tower of Babel? Career Trajectories across Fields, within Social Space, and over Time: An Empirical Framework.” Presented at the PaVie Conference Cycle, November 25, University of Geneva, Geneva.

Hanappi, Doris and N. Le Feuvre. “Contradiction or Congruence? The Value of Feminization Models for the Sociological Analysis of Modern Careers.” Presented at the Identity Congress of the Swiss Sociological Society, September 7–9, Geneva.

Hanappi, Doris. “On Signals and Symbols in a Field and Habitus Perspective of Careers.” Presented at the Identity Congress of the Swiss Sociological Society, September 7–9, Geneva.


Hanappi, Doris. “An Integrative Approach to Careers of Managers and Young Professionals.” Presented at the 22nd Workshop on Strategic HRM of the European Institute for Advanced Studies of Management, April 19–20, Brussels.



Instructor, Course: Introduction to Sociology & Inequality

Stanford, Pre-Collegiate Studies, Summer 2017 [Syllabus]

OLLI@Instructor, Course: The New Family

UC Berkeley, Osher Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI), Spring 2017 [Pitch Video] [Syllabus]

Screenshot 2017-03-20 10.12.12


Interdisciplinary Teaching Series (OFIT), Teaching on: Active Learning

UC Berkeley, Humanities and Social Science Association (HSSA), single session, Spring 2017

Interdisciplinary Teaching Series (OFIT), Teaching on: Fertility and the Great Recession. Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries of Theory and Data

UC Berkeley, Humanities and Social Science Association (HSSA), single session, Spring 2017

Instructor, Gender and Careers

Department of Human Resource Management, University of Fribourg, Spring 2012

Replacement Lecturer, General Introduction to Sociology

Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lausanne, 2009-2010

Invited Lecturer, Post-Graduate Training Program of Social Policy

University of Geneva, Spring 2010

Invited Lecturer, Empirical Research

Department of Public Management, University of Konstanz, Spring 2010

Instructor, Sociology Seminar

Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lausanne, Spring 2009